Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sunday 4/3/16 in Gardiner NY

Hello I am back!!!!!
This is a test on my new Computer that my son David is teaching me how to use. It is windows 10 which confuses this old man, but we are getting it together. I will go back to the boat on the 19th after voting in the primary.
Dutchess is now in Severn Yacht Center on the Severn River in Hayes Virginia. This is near Gloucester VA and Norfolk VA. I plan to stay there and cruise the Chesapeake Bay for the Summer. In the fall I have three options. Stay in the Chesapeake all winter, go north to the Poughkeepsie yacht club and haul out for the winter, go south to Florida and stay in some marina for months at a time.

These guys flew home on March 29 and I am now crew less.

Crew Paul Berne and Chuck Stuart