Sunday, May 24, 2015

American Great Loop, Leaving the PYC May 16th, 2015

May 16, 2015 - Poughkeepsie Yacht Club

Hello all crew and friends,

We are doing the American Great Loop. The Crew consists of Paul Berthe, Nancy and Richard Fritz and myself of course. Started on May 16 from Poughkeepsie Yacht Club, only a day late because we had to replace the starter. Thanks to Ernie Klopping for analyzing the problem and finding the new starter. We had to drive to Paterson NY to pick it up and $211.00 later and 4 hours driving we had a new starter. Our first stop was the Hudson Boat Club for the New York Rivers Boating Festival and stayed for 2 days.

On Monday May 18 we proceeded to Waterford NY where the Erie and Champlain canals begin. On May 19 we sailed or motored into the Erie Canal and did locks 2,3,4,5, and 6. When we got to Lock 7 it was closed and another boat was tied to the wall before the Lock We were told that there was no electric power to operate the lock and we would have to wait there  till tomorrow.

So we cooked dinner and talked all night. Left early at  0730 since the Lock was fixed and they opened  the door. We stopped at Schenectady Yacht Club for diesel and pump out. Then to Amsterdam after lock 10 only 25 to go.  Now you know a little of what we are doing more later. Going out to dinner now bye.
Captain John and crew.

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